Everyday Living

Pretty Weeds


I was sat in my garden earlier this week, making the most of the sun and taking in all the beauty. One of my favourite things about nature is the lessons and revelations you can always get from it, and this time, it only took about 10 minutes for some wisdom to drop from the sky and land on my head!

The garden was looking so lovely in the sun and I was just looking around at everything, the flowers especially. I thought they looked so pretty. Then it occurred to me that they were probably actually weeds. None of my family are very green-fingered so the odds of anyone actually having planted flowers were slim!

I thought back to the time we had some gardeners in a few years ago, and they were pulling out all these lovely things that I thought made our garden look so nice. I was thinking, what are they doing?! Are we paying them to wreck the garden or..? Anyway, I later found out that they were pulling up weeds (duh). They looked pretty, yes, but they weren’t good for the garden.

It made me think about our lives and how they are like gardens, filled with so many different things that we ourselves can cultivate, and that are also affected by the elements that are beyond our control. In particular, I thought about God as the Great Gardener. How He tends to us and cares for us, protecting us from the elements sometimes, or allowing them to do their work, even if it is painful, or unglamorous. I thought about how He often plants things, beautiful new things, and also how he sometimes pulls things up…even when they look good to us. I thought about the times in my life when something I thought was good has been taken away. There are a ton of reasons why things happen as they do in our lives, but it dawned on me as I was sitting in the garden, that one of the reasons for some of those things might be because, even though these things looked pretty, looked good, like they were flourishing or bearing fruit, they actually weren’t good for the garden. And who knows what’s good for the garden better than the Gardener?