
6 Reasons Why Spring is the Best Season

So today marks the first official day of Spring! Though it doesn’t feel or look that much like spring, I’m still excited by this news.


Spring is my favourite season (tied with Autumn) for various reasons.

“The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come.” Song of Songs 2:12

I came across this verse a few days ago and found it so lovely. The idea that the time the flowers appear on the earth, spring, is the time of singing.


A few weeks ago, I was joking about Christian jargon and “seasons” with a friend and he asked what season I was in. And in all seriousness, I answered “spring.” Have you ever felt like the season you’re in can be labelled as one of the seasons of the earth? It’s just as though there’s been a winter (wasn’t super bleak, thank God, but wintry nonetheless) in my life that I’m emerging from. And I can see buds finally beginning to burst, and flowers beginning to bloom and trees being filled with green again and it’s really exciting.

So for seasons of life and seasons of the earth, here are 6 reasons why I think Spring is the best one.

1. It’s so darn pretty!

Cherry blossoms and flowers, green meadows and flowers blooming. It’s such a beautiful season as nature makes it comeback from the barrenness of winter. It also starts to get warmer!

Photo by Patrizia Ilaria Sechi

2. It symbolises new beginnings.

If there’s something we all need regularly, it’s a fresh start or a second chance. Historically, spring has been a time at which rebirth and renewal are celebrated. And Spring marks that by showing us that no matter what has come before, something beautiful can grow. That there is always room for something new to come and blossom beautiful. It is the time for new things to be birthed; this might be lambs, bunnies, flowers or it might be a new idea, business or relationship. (That’s not to say that new things can’t happen at any time of the year, but the earth’s spring seems like a particularly poetic time for them to happen.)

Photo by Vemsteroo

3. The days are longer than the nights. 

There are still the same amount of hours in the day but the day itself is longer and we just get a larger dosage of vitamin D as sunlight hours increase. Happy days.


4. It brings hope.

If there’s anything one needs after the bleakness of winter, it’s a glimmer of hope. Spring reminds us that winter doesn’t last for always, and there is life after everything has seemingly been stripped away. I’m not the biggest fan of winter  but I do appreciate it for what it teaches me about seasons, and how it isn’t always time for an abundance of fruit and beauty in fullness. There is a time for bleakness and stripping things away and pruning – there can be beauty in that, there can be clarity, and also sometimes there can just be a sense of loss and sadness, and that’s okay too. Because spring is always going to come. Always.

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
― Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind


5. I’m a Spring baby! 

I’m one of those people who really, really loves their birthday, and my birthday is in Spring. End of point.



6. It’s a time of reaping what has been sown

Things don’t really grow in winter. What has been planted is doing what it needs to do under the surface and you can’t see it. This is of course probably the most important part of the growing process, but it’s not really that encouraging. In winter, it sometimes feels like the work is in vain. Or that nothing is happening now and it’s not ever going to happen. Like the sorrow won’t leave and the bleakness won’t draw back.

But in spring, all that was underground can shoot up! And bring with it encouragement and joy.


So here’s to this wonderful season and all its beauty!

Happy first day of Spring; I hope it is a time of new life, renewal, rebirth, refreshing, beauty, joy and light.